As September approaches, the familiar buzz of "back to school" season begins to resonate. Shops are filled with school supplies, uniforms, and lunchboxes while families prepare for the routine of frantic mornings and packed schedules. However, for many, this September marks a departure from tradition. Instead of the usual rush to return to the classroom, more families embrace the opportunity...
So, what's the difference between home education and homeschooling?
When it comes to educating our children outside of the traditional school system, terminology matters more than you might think. In the UK, the preferred term is ‘ home education ’. It's used when parents or caregivers take the reins of their child's learning journey, customising it to suit their unique interests and learning...
Home education opens the door to unparalleled flexibility, personalised learning, and the chance to nurture deeper connections within your family and community. It’s a path that allows you to shape education around your child’s unique needs and passions, offering opportunities for growth and discovery beyond traditional classroom walls. While it does demand commitment, creativity, and...
As we learn how to 'do school', do we forget how to learn?
School isn't the only way to get an education, and the school way isn't the only way to learn. In fact, some of the skills we need at school are quite different to the skills we need in order to direct our own learning.
I was lucky enough to receive two History Heroes games to review, but I only ever recommend products I genuinely trust and believe in. So, you can count on my opinions being completely honest and my own. And those links I've popped in this review? They don’t pay me any commission, but they will hook you up with a lovely discount.
Mud & Bloom gifted me this product so that I could review it. I only recommend products and services that I trust and believe in. All opinions are my own and given honestly. The included links in this review do not pay me any commission. Do read my full disclosure on advertising .
Did you know that autistic pupils are facing barriers to their fundamental right to education? A leading charity has sounded the alarm, revealing a shocking 166% increase in the number of autistic children persistently absent from school over the past four years.
Let’s delve into the numbers. In England alone, over a quarter of autistic children – that's roughly 51,000 out of...
Parrot Street gifted me this product so that I could review it. I only recommend products and services that I trust and believe in. All opinions are my own and given honestly. The included links in this review do not pay me any commission. Do read my full disclosure on advertising .
Product summary:
Parrot Street’s book club helps you discover new children’s...
Home ed / homeschooling setup. Do you have a unique space or designated area just for home education? We don't; our whole house is our 'home-ed space'. Browsing social media and home education blogs can make us feel that our own home-ed lives are lacking by comparison - but much of it is nonsense and social media 'gloss' as we all know. Posts at the start of each school term (if you even...