
Exams. Girl lying on a pile of books.

Exams are very strange

Published with the permission of Naomi Fisher.

Do we really want our teenagers to spend their adolescence on a conveyor belt of high stakes exams?

What a strange thing we do to our young people in this culture and time.

We make them spend several years learning things that they often have no interest in, that they have not chosen and that they will in many cases never use...

Naomi Fisher



Home education - is it expensive?

Home education - is it expensive?

Can you home educate on a budget?

Home ed doesn't have to cost lots of money. It can be tailored to suit your budget and means. You don't need to employ tutors, and you don't need to buy expensive subscriptions and resources. The one exception would be sitting exams, as you do have to pay for these yourself. The costs certainly add up with school (my eldest attended school), multiple sets of...

The freedom of home education: a flexible approach to learning.

The freedom of home education: a flexible approach to learning.

In today's ever-changing educational landscape, home education has become a practical choice for parents looking for a flexible and personalised approach to their children's learning journey. As they explore home ed, families discover the joys of bespoke education and self-directed learning. The shift away from the traditional school environment has liberated families from the daily grind of...

home education vs homeschooling

Home Education vs Homeschooling

So, what's the difference between home education and homeschooling?

When it comes to educating our children outside of the traditional school system, terminology matters more than you might think. In the UK, the preferred term is ‘ home education ’. It's used when parents or caregivers take the reins of their child's learning journey, customising it to suit their unique interests and learning...

Not Back To School

Published with the permission of Naomi Fisher.

What is a childhood like, when it's not defined by school?

When my children first didn’t start school, I saw a hole where school would have been. The absence loomed large. I saw empty years ahead with no Back to School Septembers, and no Sports Day in July. No school plays and no class assemblies. No chatting with other mums at the...

school children in class sitting at desks

How Do Children Learn When They Don't Go to School?

Published with the permission of Naomi Fisher.

How Do Children Learn When They Don't Go to School? Won't they end up behind?

Most people have no idea what child development and education looks like outside school when young people have autonomy. I've been told that children will endlessly move from whim to whim, or that they'll never learn to set goals or work hard. Here's what...

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