
Exams. Girl lying on a pile of books.

Exams are very strange

Published with the permission of Naomi Fisher.

Do we really want our teenagers to spend their adolescence on a conveyor belt of high stakes exams?

What a strange thing we do to our young people in this culture and time.

We make them spend several years learning things that they often have no interest in, that they have not chosen and that they will in many cases never use...

Naomi Fisher



Exams for home educated students

Exams for home educated students

It can be daunting to think you must get your children through their exams, which is understandable. The whole system is confusing and can fill us parents with dread. There's no need to cram in a shed load of GCSEs before the age of 16, and there are various options when it comes to qualifications; there is no rush. You don't have to take as many as a child in school would; you could start...

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