
Families unite in Exeter: a stand against the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill

Families unite in Exeter: a stand against the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill

A powerful stand for parental rights at the CWSB Exeter rally #TheHomeEdDaily #ChildrensWellbeingBill #AreYouListeningNow #HomeEducation #ParentalRights

On Saturday, home educators, parents, and supporters came together across the country to stand up for parental rights, educational freedom, and the protection of children . The rallies were a testament to the strength and determination of...

Sasha Jackson

Sasha Jackson



Home Educating – and beyond! Ross Mountney

Home educating – and beyond!

Written by and published here with the permission of Ross Mountney .

I sometimes think the government would like to devise an injection for all kids at birth that would make them all grow exactly the same! It would make it so much easier for them; if all kids learned the same, achieved the same, at the same time, in the same way, without having to pay attention to individual needs!...

The Fight for Our Children's Future: Stopping Government Intrusion into Our Homes

The Fight for Our Children's Future: Stopping Government Intrusion into Our Homes

For generations, parents in the UK have had the fundamental right to raise and educate their children in a way that aligns with their values, beliefs, and unique needs. However, this basic right is now under threat like never before. The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill (CWSB) represents the most significant government intrusion into family life and education since the 1870 Education Act...

Parents in Exeter rally against the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill

Defending alternative education and parental rights

Parents rally against the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill: Defending alternative education and parental rights #ChildrensWellbeingBill Parents are set to gather on 8th March 2025 in Bedford Street, Exeter (and major cities across England, including London, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester and Birmingham). This coordinated rally aims to protest the proposed bill. This deeply concerning piece of...
What's wrong with the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill? An overview of the key issues.

What's wrong with the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill? An overview of the key issues.

#ChildrensWellbeingBill #AreYouListeningNow #HomeEducation

The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill (CWSB) is being presented as a measure to improve child welfare and educational standards. However, it has raised serious concerns among parents, home educators, and civil liberties advocates, who argue that it represents a significant overreach by the Government . Critics fear that it...

Tips for Starting Your Home Education Journey

Tips for Starting Your Home Education Journey

Starting your home education journey can feel like stepping into an exciting, but uncharted, territory. The idea of teaching your kids at home brings up a mix of emotions: anticipation, excitement, and perhaps a bit of nervousness. But trust me, you’re not alone, and with the right approach, home education can be an incredibly rewarding experience. If you’ve decided to embark on this...

A letter to parents on education

A letter to parents on education

Written by and published with the permission of Ross Mountney .

Dear Parents,

I thought I’d write you a letter because as a parent I know that you worry.

Being a parent seems to come packaged with worry. Add school and education into the parenting package and the worrying goes up a gear!

The sad thing about it is; education shouldn’t be worrying. It shouldn...

The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill: An Attack on Home Education and Parental Rights by Poppy

The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill: An Attack on Home Education and Parental Rights

Written by and published with the permission of Poppy Coles .

I can’t imagine a life in which home education didn’t play a major part. Since 2012 my life has been inextricably linked with the home educating community; from beginning my own home-ed journey at the age of 13, to now supporting the community with educational resources and opportunities alongside my Mum. The decision my...

Homeschooling tips and home education advice

Home education tips

Starting home education? Here's some homeschooling advice. Excuse me for using the term 'homeschooling' there - it helps the Google algorithms! Read why using the term 'home education in the UK matters.

Don’t buy or subscribe to anything until you have found your feet.

Don’t panic buy all the stuff, even if it is discounted or a bargain! Borrow, look in charity shops, sign up for...

The Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill. What happens now for home educators?

The Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill

The Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill. What does this result mean, and what happens now?

These graphics with no simple explanation are confusing, what does it mean? The proposal in question was an opposition amendment to the bill. However, most MPs voted against it, with the 'noes' prevailing. The Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill has now passed its second reading, marking...

Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill. What it is, and its implications for parents.

Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill. What it is, and its implications for parents.

#ChildrensWellbeingBill #AreYouListeningNow

The proposed Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill has raised significant concerns within the home education community. Many of the provisions outlined in the bill risk undermining parental rights, disrupting children’s education, and imposing unnecessary and invasive measures on families.

This article highlights key issues with the bill,...

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