Facebook Home Ed Groups

Facebook homeschooling groups

We have collected a range of Facebook groups to aid you on your home education journey. Please note that most of them are private groups. You'll need to ask to join and answer their questions to become a member. There is so much for home educators on Facebook that it is worth joining to access it; you can sign up using a pseudonym. Search on there for your local groups to discover meet-ups and activities; for example 'Devon home education' or 'Exeter home ed'.



HEFA (home education for all) is probably our most valuable and comprehensive HE resource. They have extensive 'guides' on home education and a supportive community of almost 38K members.


Home Education UK

HE community, providing support and advice for home educators and those considering home education.


Educational Freedom

Home Education information and support group.


Education Otherwise

A home education charity funded by donations and membership subscriptions.


Home Education UK Exams & Alternatives

For parents of home-educated children aged 10yrs+ in the UK.


Home educating through A-Levels

A group for parents currently home-educating through A-levels or planning on starting A-levels in the next 12 months.


Homeschooling/Education UK

Support group for parents who are home-educating their children or intend to.


Single Parents Home Education UK

A UK-based group for all single parents/carers that home educate.


UK Unschooling Network

This group is only for parents/guardians interested in unschooling whilst home-educating. You must either be unschooling already or intending to do so.



Join this group to learn from and connect with other families worldwide.

Flexi-schooling Families

A place for families to discuss Flexi schooling and meet other people who do it.


Home Education and Your Local Authority

This group is not a general home education group. The group provides information and assistance to home educators or flexischoolers on all aspects of their relationship with local authorities concerning their education provision.


SEND & EHCP Advice & Support

A place for parents and young people to give advice and receive support about the SEND & EHCP process.


H.E. Dyslexia UK

A group for families who currently home educate a child with DYSLEXIA (whether diagnosed or not) of any sort.


Home educating our special needs children

This is a support and help group for people who are home-educating a child with special needs or are interested in doing so within the UK.


PDA Home Education

This group is for people who are (or are considering) home-educating a child with PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance).


EHCP support group

For support and help regarding EHCPS, this group allows parents or carers to ask questions and share their knowledge.


Home Education Action Group

This group was set up to coordinate actions to fight the current attacks on Elective Home Education in the UK, primarily resulting from the Education Select Committee Inquiry into Home Education.


Secondary Home Education

Tips, resources and advice for home educators of 11-16 yr olds.


Home Ed Visits UK

For joining various group events and attractions around the UK, usually at a discounted 'school' type rate (e.g. Harry Potter studios, Legoland). Long-term home educators only.


Home Ed families holiday club UK

A group to swap reviews of budget UK holiday destinations.