The Fight for Our Children's Future: Stopping Government Intrusion into Our Homes
For generations, parents in the UK have had the fundamental right to raise and educate their children in a way that aligns with their values, beliefs, and unique needs. However, this basic right is now under threat like never before. The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill (CWSB) represents the most significant government intrusion into family life and education since the 1870 Education Act, and parents across the country are standing up to say: Enough is enough!
This bill is not about safeguarding children—it is about state control. If passed, it will give the government sweeping new powers over how we educate our children, treating all parents as potential risks. It forces home-educated children to be registered, tracked, and monitored by local authorities, stripping parents of their ability to make the best choices for their families. The bill would also impose rigid, state-approved education standards, ignoring individual learning needs, faith-based education, and alternative schooling models. Parents who fail to comply could face fines, legal action, and even forced school attendance orders for their children.
But it gets worse. The government wants to shift the burden of proof onto parents, forcing families to justify their educational choices rather than respecting their natural right to educate their children as they see fit. This is a dangerous precedent that opens the door to increased government surveillance, forced schooling, and interference in private family decisions.
💬 Parents Across the UK Are Fighting Back! 💬
Thousands of parents have already united against this bill, and momentum is growing fast. We must act now before it’s too late. By signing this declaration, you are sending a clear and powerful message to the government: Parents—not politicians—decide what is best for their children.
📢 Join the Movement Today!
We must stand together and defend parental rights and educational freedom. The government must understand that we will not allow this intrusion into our homes and interference in our children's future.
🖊 Sign the declaration now to protect our children, defend our rights, and stop this government overreach!
Declaration of Commitment
If the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill becomes law, I declare that I will not allow the government to interfere in my children’s education in any way.
As a parent, I have the right and responsibility to decide how my children are educated and raised. This is a fundamental right that I will never give up, no matter the consequences.
I am signing this to show the government that I, along with thousands of other parents, stand united in protecting our rights, our children’s future, and our values, traditions, and beliefs.
📢 Stand with us. Make your voice heard. Sign now! https://www.change.org/StopGovIntrusion